The solution to maintain fluid communication
with your patients and improve the conversion of your offer.
Our innovative solutions positively impact the efficiency of healthcare providers processes around the world, enabling them to deliver a better service experience to their patients.
We serve more than 50 million patients a year — the total population of Colombia.
We work with over 300 hospitals and medical centers — the total surface area of 100 football fields.
Our services satisfy 97 out of 100 people.
Maximize your offerings.
We decrease patient absenteeism by more than 50% in the appointments we manage
We reduce over 60% of incoming calls and 70% of outgoing calls, improving the reputation of the center.
We obtain 70% patient attendance rate in scheduled appointments
We achieve a 95% accuracy rate in predicting which patients will attend their appointment.
How and when can you use your medical offer more effectively?
Our solutions support patients proactively by assisting their needs with innovative and effective solutions at every stage of the process:
- During the scheduling process
- Prior to the medical consultation
- During the appointment
- After the appointment
Benefits calculator
Find out the benefits your center could gain by joining the digital world that en engages proactively with patients.
From the beginning of the implementation to the post-sale stage, ENIAX offers a tremendous quality of service, with trained professionals who are concerned about the needs of their clients, always offering timely and flexible solutions.
Uno Salud Dental
The process to improve our indicators was carried out by a team composed of Customer Experience, Systems, Cell Center and Communication. Together with ENIAX, we have managed to reduce absenteeism by 10% in two months, with a positive impact on shift management.
The direction established by the hospital’s management and the team’s hard work is what has made this a successful project today.
Hospital Alemán
Buenos Aires, Argentina
In these nearly 3 years, we have made significant progress in terms of digitizing the relationship with the patient for the confirmation of medical appointments. Eniax has been in a constant process of adapting to our needs and proactively seeking to support us in improving service indicators.
Eniax has become a key solution to confirm appointments, becoming today the major patient contact channel, with the most contacted patients (over 80%) and achieving the best no-show rate.
Finally, I must emphasize that in the difficult situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, ENIAX did not behave like just any service provider; instead, they stood by us at all times and showed us the commitment of a true partner, which speaks for the quality of the company.
Clínica de Cuyo
Grupo HLA
From the beginning of the implementation to the post-sale stage, ENIAX offers a tremendous quality of service, with trained professionals who are concerned about the needs of their clients, always offering timely and flexible solutions.
Uno Salud Dental
The process to improve our indicators was carried out by a team composed of Customer Experience, Systems, Cell Center and Communication. Together with ENIAX, we have managed to reduce absenteeism by 10% in two months, with a positive impact on shift management.
The direction established by the hospital’s management and the team’s hard work is what has made this a successful project today.
Hospital Alemán
Buenos Aires, Argentina
In these nearly 3 years, we have made significant progress in terms of digitizing the relationship with the patient for the confirmation of medical appointments. Eniax has been in a constant process of adapting to our needs and proactively seeking to support us in improving service indicators.
Eniax has become a key solution to confirm appointments, becoming today the major patient contact channel, with the most contacted patients (over 80%) and achieving the best no-show rate.
Finally, I must emphasize that in the difficult situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, ENIAX did not behave like just any service provider; instead, they stood by us at all times and showed us the commitment of a true partner, which speaks for the quality of the company.
Clínica de Cuyo
Casos de Éxito
Fabiana Fernández, Head of Patients experience at the Hospital Alemán of Argentina, shares how, thanks to ENIAX and its virtual assistant Emma, they were able to address a series of issues associated with absenteeism in medical appointments, such as delays in attention, reluctance to open the medical schedule, and lost hours for the teams. All these situations showed improvement in their indices, with absenteeism decreasing from 21% in 2022 to 12.7% in 2023.
Lic. Fabiana Fernández
Hospital Alemán
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Dr. Isabel Abad, Head of video consultation services at ASISA, a leading healthcare insurance company in Spain with a large hospital network and almost 3 million insured members, shares her experience with ENIAX on the ASISA Live platform. The platform significantly reduced absenteeism thanks to smooth contactability and efficient scheduling, decreasing the no-show rate from 30% to 12%.
Dra. Isabel Abad
Uno Salud Dental
Desde que comenzamos a utilizar los servicios entregados por ENIAX, se ha vivido una revolución interna. Por un lado, mejoramos la manera de relacionarnos con nuestros pacientes, logramos comunicaciones oportunas, claras y, además, cercanas. Desde el punto de vista operacional, apoyamos a nuestras clínicas en distintos puntos críticos de la operación, logrando, de esa manera, descomprimir la carga laboral de las personas.
ENIAX, desde que comenzó la implementación, hasta la post venta, ofrece un servicio de tremenda calidad, con profesionales capacitados y preocupados por las necesidades que tienen sus clientes, ofreciendo siempre soluciones oportunas y flexibles.
Gabriela Ulloa
Vidaintegra Chile
Como usuaria de los servicios de ENIAX, me siento muy satisfecha. Más que ser un proveedor de un servicio, el equipo de ENIAX busca ser un socio estratégico de sus clientes.
En estos casi 3 años hemos logrado un importante avance en términos de digitalizar la relación con el paciente para la confirmación de citas médicas. ENIAX ha estado en un constante proceso de adaptación a nuestras necesidades, buscando, proactivamente, cómo apoyarnos en mejorar los indicadores de servicio.
ENIAX se ha transformado en una solución clave al momento de confirmar citas, llegando hoy a ser el mayor canal de contacto con los pacientes (sobre del 80%) y logrando el mejor «No Show».
Victoria Martínez
Clínica de Cuyo
Empezamos a trabajar con ENIAX a mediados del año 2019. Su implementación y adaptación a nuestros sistemas existentes fue rápida y exitosa. Desde entonces hemos avanzado juntos en la incorporación de distintas herramientas que le han dado una nueva dimensión a la comunicación con los pacientes y han incrementado nuestra productividad sensiblemente.
Olivia Eniax, nuestra asistente virtual, nos ha ayudado a eficientizar recursos, a la vez que se logró disminuir notablemente el “no show” de pacientes e incrementar el volumen de citas a través de la incorporación del agendamiento online. Nos aportó, además, una gran cantidad de datos y estadísticas de gestión que hasta entonces no teníamos.
Por último, debo resaltar que ante la difícil situación causada por la pandemia del COVID-19, ENIAX no se comportó como un proveedor de servicios más, sino que estuvo junto a nosotros en todo momento y se comprometió como un verdadero socio. Eso habla de la calidad de empresa que es.
Agustín García Day
Grupo HLA
Gracias a Eniax, estamos creando un nuevo espacio de comunicación con nuestros pacientes, más eficaz, efectivo, eficiente y que, además, nos permite automatizar procesos para redistribuir recursos a otras áreas de negocio.