Pag Telemedicina

Complete SaaS platform for teleconsultation services that integrate with the provider's existing Hospital Information System (HIS)

La solución cuenta con una sala de espera virtual, donde el paciente ingresa previamente a la realización de la consulta. En cuanto a la vista del médico, está considera una visualización de todos los pacientes agendados para el día y le indica si tiene pacientes en espera.

The doctor's view includes a visualization of all the patients scheduled for the day and indicates if there are any patients waiting. Additionally, it includes a complete payment portal for the patient.

What are the features of this platform?

Online Scheduling: Allows scheduling appointments online on the provider's website from any device.

Virtual Waiting Room: Helps optimize the doctor's time and provide indications to the patient prior to the consultation.

Permite entregar indicaciones y requerimientos previos a la atención, incluyendo notificación de agendamiento exitoso, indicaciones para efectuar pago, información de procedimiento para acceso a sala, flujo de confirmación de cita y entrega de orden médica electrónica.

Online Portal for Physicians: Accessible from any device, provides information on the list of patients who are waiting, and indicates their status in the virtual waiting room.

Integrated Payment Platform: Allows patients to pay for their care remotely in up to 3 interest-free installments with any means of payment. Additionally, they can process their vouchers online, making only the co-payment. Moreover, aiming at a more expeditious implementation for providers in Chile, we have a payment portal, which includes integrations with Flow, Medpay and other payment methods.

Reportería en línea con resumen de la gestión realizada, además de descargas de bases de datos transaccionales con todos los casos gestionados para poder cargar en sistemas de reportería interna.
