Pag Seg Orden Médica

Service that assists the patient in scheduling the examination or treatment indicated by the physician

What are the objectives of this service?

This process increases the conversion rates of tests, treatments or other high-value services indicated by physicians. It also seeks to improve adherence and avoid leakages to other providers.

How does it work?

The process depends on the level of integration with the medical record system.

Without integration

After the consultation, patients receive a message in which Patricia™ asks if they have any doctor’s indications and if they require assistance in order to make an appointment. If patients are interested, Patricia™ requests an image of the medical order. Interested patients are transferred as leads to a commercial agent in a web interface designed to administer the capture.

With integration

A message from the physician or medical center is sent directly to patients to coordinate their tests, images or procedures and to make an appointment.

En caso de exámenes no agendables (p.ej laboratorio) se activa un flujo de seguimiento para recordar la realización del examen y dar las indicaciones correspondientes.

En todos los casos el flujo puede incluir la oferta proactiva de un cita con el médico tratante luego de la realización del examen.

What does the report include?

To assist in the management process, the system allows you to download a list of leads with their purchase intention information.

What are the service indicators?
